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Master of Science Technology Management
Technology managers are trained in information technology management philosophy, system development, and business strategy. A technology manager helps businesses utilize available technology and develop technological strategies that suit the needs of the business.
About The Programme
Additionally, a technology manager oversees the work of technical professionals to ensure a reliable, productive work environment for clients and employers.
Course Details
Course Requirements
Core Requirements: 24 hours
- Organizational Communications (MBA 5013) – 3 hours
- International Business Management (MBA 6033) – 3 hours
- Organizational Behavior (MBA 6083) – 3 hours
- Computer & Network Security (MSTM 5003) – 3 hours
- Disaster & Recovery Planning (MSTM 5013) – 3 hours
- Emerging Technologies (MSTM 5023) – 3 hours
- Internship (MSTM 5901) or Graduate Research (MSTM 5700) – 3.0 hours*
- Issues in Cyberlaw (MSTM 6003) – 3 hours
Students must earn a minimum of 3 credit hours and be continually enrolled in the course during the program.
B. Emphasis Area (select one of the following areas): 9 hours
1 – General Technology Management Emphasis Requirements
- Information Infrastructure (MSTM 5033) – 3 hours
- Management Information Systems (MSTM 6013) – 3 hours
- Project Management (MSTM 6023) – 3 hours
2 – Project Management Emphasis Requirements
- Foundations of Project Management (PM 5003) – 3 hours
- Project Management Principles & Practices (PM 6003) – 3 hours
- Process Management (PM 6013) – 3 hours
TOTAL HOURS: 33-35 credit hours
Executive Program Format
The Lindsey Wilson College MSTM program is a 35-credit hour course of study that is offered through a combination of hybrid and fully online courses. The program is designed to integrate academic concepts and work experience through educational coursework and case studies. Students also are required to enroll in an internship that connects course content to the employment settings.
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