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MS in Engineering Management (MSEM)

MS in Engineering Management (MSEM)

The engineering skills that got you to this point in your career aren't the skills that will advance your career into a management role. But you can develop those skills with the Master of science in engineering management (MSEM) program at Trine University.

About The Programme

As an engineer ready to move into a management role, you'll gain mastery of corporate culture, leadership, finance, operations strategy and marketing. You'll take business ethics, public speaking, and decision-making classes that are geared towards the technical professional, as well as product development and innovation classes taught by our business and engineering faculty.

Course Details

Core Courses - 21 Hours

BA 5223Executive Communication3 hrs.
BA 6933Statistics & Quantitative Methods3 hrs.
GE 5113New Product Development & Innovation Strategies3 hrs.
GE 5103Project Management3 hrs.
GE 5213Total Quality Management3 hrs.
LDR 5113Organizational Leadership for Engineers3 hrs.
GE 6963Engineering Management Capstone3 hrs.

Specialization Options – 9 hours

Option 1: Self-Design (Choose 9 credits from program electives below)

GE 5093Design Thinking3 hrs.
GE 5133Lean Six Sigma3 hrs.
MGT 5013Advanced Plant Management3 hrs.
MGT 543Operations Strategy & Management3 hrs.
SYS 5013Systems Engineering Analysis3 hrs.
SYS 5113Systems Validation and Testing3 hrs.
SYS 5213Model Based Systems Engineering3 hrs.


Option 2: Systems Engineering (SE)

SYS 5013Systems Engineering Analysis3 hrs.
SYS 5113Systems Validation and Testing3 hrs.
SYS 5213Model Based Systems Engineering3 hrs.


Option 3: Operational Excellence (OPEX)

GE 5133Lean Six Sigma3 hrs.
GE 5093Design Thinking3 hrs.
MGT 5013Advanced Plant Management3 hrs.
MGT 543Operations Strategy & Management3 hrs.


Programme Highlights

Trine University
Total Fee
Total Hours
30 Hours
Credit Fee

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